Photo by Vojtech Okenka
An essential factor in measuring a company’s success is its influence over its target market. One effective strategy to achieve this is through web traffic digital technologies. Find out where the traffic comes from and adjust marketing strategies to benefit more from them.
With technology being the bread and butter of today’s society, a company’s website has become crucial to compete for revenue. Websites are every company’s efficient means of maintaining a line of communication with their current and potential customers, which plays a vital part in marketing.
A website is also an excellent means of knowing more about where people’s interests are. For instance, if a company offers various services or products, they can gauge which sells more by looking at the visits to their websites. Companies don’t need to exhaustively and personally research their customers and demographics when websites can provide the data required with a simple click.
Web Traffic
Knowing that websites are getting visits isn’t enough for excellent and effective marketing plans. Companies should also know where these clicks are coming from.
A perfect way to achieve this is through web traffic digital technologies. Through these strategies, companies can identify where the web traffic is coming from and what kind of visitors they’re getting. This way, they can make suitable adjustments in their marketing strategies to utilize this data and increase these visits.
A company offering this service is Orange Digital Technologies. As a marketing company, they can work on driving traffic to websites and analyzing what kind of traffic these visits are.
Direct Traffic
This traffic refers to visitors from different origins. These include visitors who have typed in the website’s URL in their searches, bookmarked, or added the website to their favorites. Those who visited through a non-indexed document will also be counted here.
To leverage or increase the chances of having this kind of visitor, companies can utilize shorter URLs, keeping them clean, simple, and easy to remember. Companies may also frequently invite their visitors to bookmark pages for future reference.
Organic Traffic
This is the kind of visit companies get when people click on their websites after Google has suggested it based on their search queries. Organic traffic accounts for a significant amount of the overall visits companies get in the long run.
For companies to gain more organic visits, they need to work on improving their search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. The more they optimize based on the Google algorithm, the higher the chances their companies will land on the first few pages of Google’s search pages.
Referral Traffic
Companies gain referral traffic when people click on links from other websites, such as blogs or forums, and are redirected to their page. Not only will this kind of traffic signify an increase in visitors, but it can also lead to a higher online reputation. Blogs adding companies’ names in positively written content can be perceived as testimonials or word-of-mouth that their services or products are valuable.
Companies can work on actively link-building their websites. This can be done by collaborating with other blogs, wherein they can write content and post it on their website. They may also write about their companies on blogs from third-party websites to help spread the word about them.
Social Network Traffic
With most of the population constantly on various social networking sites, it’s only reasonable that companies find a way to benefit from this. Social network traffic refers to the visitors who come from social media posts and are redirected to the company website.
This is one of the easiest ways for companies to earn visits. All they need to do is constantly post on various platforms, marketing their products and services. Sooner or later, people who are looking for similar products through social media can chance upon the company’s network and click on it.
Paid Search Traffic While it would undeniably feel more fulfilling to receive organic traffic, companies can choose to invest in paid ads that can help them gain more traction. This type of traffic includes visitors who came to the website from a Google ad. Typically, these paid ads appear first on people’s search queries once they search for related keywords. However, it’s best to remember that different platforms have various types of ads and where they can be located within the page.
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