Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash

With their vast background in kitchen renovations, Handshaker Construction has mastered all small kitchen details to improve your space.

Homeowners spend an estimated $400 billion on their renovation projects annually.

A portion of this is typically dedicated to the kitchen, which many might consider the heart of every home. It’s the hub where daily meals that nourish families are prepared and eaten together, the space that brings everyone closer at the same time of the day. Family members gather in the kitchen from separate rooms, doing their distinct activities to spend time over meals.

Hence, it’s no question why homeowners want their kitchens to be everything close to perfection – a haven for everyone, bringing them comfort and solace.

Are you among the people looking at their kitchens and considering a renovation? Before anyone starts taking equipment down and swinging hammers around, here are some small kitchen details to consider that can help bring the kitchen together.

Small Kitchen Details to Make or Break the Renovation

Handshaker Construction pays attention even to the smallest details when renovating kitchen spaces. As an expert in kitchen renovation in Cincinnati OH, the company has mastered the secret to a successful and smooth renovation process. While most focus on grand and large-scale changes, the company centers on smaller details that bring a unique pop to the space.

The most significant improvements are found in the most minor details. These elements can make a big difference, making or breaking any renovation process.

Any alteration to the kitchen space is said to improve the house’s value by 6%. But most homeowners instantly jump into the obvious reformations when considering kitchen renovations. Whether bringing in new kitchen equipment or changing the space’s overall layout, most believe the evident changes bring consequential effects. However, they miss that the small kitchen details often get the most attention and provide the most dramatic impact.

A minor readjustment or alteration in color can change an already solid foundation. It can either create harmony or wreck the kitchen’s unified aesthetic.

In Picking the Hardware Style

One of the pivotal small kitchen details that contribute most to the kitchen’s ambiance. Hardware may seem like a non-existent detail most homeowners may not even bother, but the right option can still bring the room’s design together. It appears in every corner of the room, from the cabinet hinges to the faucet material. Choosing the right and consistent hardware style throughout can elevate the kitchen’s appearance.

When it comes to this element, homeowners have a variety of options to choose from – styles, sizes, and finishes. They must weigh their options and ensure what they choose complements the other equipment in the kitchen, adding the finishing touch to the room’s aesthetic.

In Considering the Countertop Maintenance

Some may argue that this shouldn’t be included in the list. But across the many elements in the kitchen, most homeowners typically decide on this for the last minute. This limits the time they can use to consider the material and may end up not tying it to the rest. Aside from the countertops not necessarily appropriately considered as small kitchen details, they can also be costly and offer a wide variety of appearance. These only make the decision-making process more painful and tricky. Above the cost and appearance, homeowners must also consider its durability, which is a factor that’s not evident.

In Picking the Grout Color

Grout is the most minor, seemingly insignificant factor in kitchens or across the spaces in the house. It’s also one of the afterthoughts in renovations that often become an after-process decision, making it appear less put-together. Grout color can significantly influence the kitchen’s appearance, impacting how tiled surfaces may look. With the right color, the room can have a completely different aesthetic, which can contribute to the unification of the room.

In picking this detail, homeowners must look at the bigger picture altogether. They must consider the overall aesthetic and the area around the tile. They must examine how much grease, debris, or dirt can get stuck into the tile cracks.

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