Water is a basic human need. We use water for almost anything – drinking, taking a bath, washing our clothes, doing the dishes, and the likes. Access to clean potable water is essential. However, it is unfortunate that many cannot access this basic need.  

If you want to make a change and help poverty-stricken areas with poor access to water, maybe you would want to help change lives and partner with Clean Water International by making donations. Many areas are deprived of water. Sometimes it may simply be a seasonal thing or the lack of water during a certain time like drought, but some experience not having access to water all year round. There are many issues with accessing water since water is used for some of the most fundamental processes. Here are some of the primary uses of water:

1. Drinking

Drinking is one of the primary uses of water. Water is essential in nutrition since it is essential for some of the most fundamental processes. Without water, the body would cease to function – it would not be able to filter wastes, organs would shut down, essential functions such as maintaining homeostasis would stop functioning, and the human body would ultimately die. 

To cook food, water is also usually used or needed. Even though water is not necessary for all recipes, we always need to drink some water or beverages while eating. Can you imagine eating a whole burger without swallowing a drop of water? Can you make broth or soup with water? The simple answer is No. Though it may be possible for a few items, you can’t normally eat without drinks.

2. Cleaning

Cleanliness and sanitation can only be done with enough water. Even the most expensive soaps would not work as effectively without water. Water is used to clean not only our hands before we eat but also to clean our surroundings. Washing hands thoroughly is vital since it protects people from ingesting dangerous or harmful microorganisms and dirt that may seriously affect our digestive tract and other body organs.

Aside from just washing hands, cleaning food before eating is also one way to prevent microorganisms from entering the body. Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them is necessary unless we accidentally ingest bacteria or fertilizer. To cook rice, we need to wash it first. Cleaning the food we eat is an essential part of maintaining basic hygiene. 

Moreover, to clean our surroundings, water is a necessity. A clean environment impacts the life of a person. A person living in unsanitary conditions is more likely to suffer from various illnesses related but not limited to the growth of pests, insects, and allergens. Contracting various illnesses from others is also prevented through frequent cleaning.

3. Bathing and Laundry

Bathing at least once every day – especially for countries with humid temperatures plays a significant role in keeping people, especially the children and elderly, healthy. It prevents sores and lessens microorganisms that can feast or negatively impact the skin. Moreover, bathing also gets rid of natural odors from the body.

Laundry is also another use of water. There’s no point in taking a bath if you still change back into dirty clothes. Laundry ensures that the clothes touching the skin will be free from pathogens or bacteria.

4. Industry

Some of the basic materials are made with water. Many food processes usually require water. Being able to pack and change food items from crops into edible sources usually uses up a lot of water. Aside from that, other industries also use water, such as those in the clothing industry. It is said that to make one cotton shirt, around 3,000 liters of water are used. Without water, some of the necessities would stop production, and it could also seriously affect a country’s economy.

5. Medicine

There are many medicinal effects of water. Many basic tests require drinking water beforehand and using water in the process, including when labs need to be performed. Moreover, other medical procedures such as dialysis and IV use require water.

Aside from those, basic dental equipment and services need water to be cleaned and used. Imagine not being able to use water in the dentist. The procedure would be more painful, and some procedures cannot be done.

6. Agricultural

Everyone knows that you need to water plants every day for them to grow. Without water, plants would not be able to go through photosynthesis to make food. This causes many crops and other food items to die, leading to problems in the supply of food for a particular region.

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